How to help ADHD students: a guide for parents and teachers
Teachers as well as parents often face numerous difficulties while helping kids with ADHD. They find that these kids are always hooked to their favourite tasks, such as gaming tasks; and it is not surprising that they perform these tasks with the utmost dedication and sincerity. However, all this concentration and will power vanishes when it comes to attempting the school homework.
How can you actually help students with ADHD so that they perform well in academics too? Read this write up to find out.
How can teachers help?
Try and be creative
Kids with ADHD are really creative. They are imaginative, and they like to indulge in activities that kindle their imagination and make them think out of the box. Thus, an excellent way to attract these students to studies is to be creative while teaching. To achieve this, you can teach them something that interests them or teach them ordinary and mundane topics using interesting videos, fun facts and illustrations.
Use new methods for teaching
If as a teacher, you get bored of teaching the same thing over and over again, what makes you think that learning new things in the same old way won’t bore students, especially those with ADHD? To avoid the class becoming bored and disinterested, try and use new models for teaching. Ask the students to role play on some chapter, or add humor to teaching wherever possible.
Keep these students away from distracters
Students with ADHD are very easily distracted. As a teacher, you may have often noticed that these students are lost somewhere else during the lecture. So, make sure that you keep these students away from distracters such as windows or doors, and make them sit in a place where they can concentrate better.
How can parents help?
Be encouraging and supportive
As a parent, you are the person who is the closest to kid, more than anyone else. Therefore, your positive words and acts of encouragement have more impact on the child, as compared to anyone else. You can offer rewards to your child to motivate him or her to perform better in academics, and also help the child in attempting homework and other class assignments.
Play games with the child that increase concentration
There are plenty of games that help students to increase their attention span, and improve concentration. Basically, in these games, the opponent tries to distract the player, and the latter has to avoid all these temptations to win the game. Champion distractor and musical chairs are some of these games.
Teach the kids self-discipline
Self-discipline is a must, not only in academics, but also in other aspects of one’s life, such as an individual’s professional life. Thus, there is a need to teach this to the kids right from the start, and especially to the kids with ADHD. So, you should try and teach self-regulation to the child in different ways.
Encourage the kids to play outdoors
According to studies, children who spend time outside in the company of nature have a better concentration level than children who do not. Thus, ask your kid to play outside with his or her friends and siblings, before asking them to attempt their assignment.